Things you need to know
We hope you enjoy your time in Tui Suite at Lakeview Lodge. Any questions prior to arriving, email, call or text. Sandra 021 646 007 or Dylan 021 667 007
Check in time - 3pm
Check out time - 10am
Quiet time between 10pm and 7am - please turn music down/off by 10pm, as the bass does travel to our neighbours.
1524c Western Lake Road, RD 3, Featherston
Enter Moore Street from State Highway 2, and continue for 15km. Go over 3 x one lane bridges and our shared driveway is immediately before the 4th one lane bridge and to your right. Lakeview Lodge's entrance is signposted and is 800 metres along the shared driveway and to your left. The final stretch of the driveway seems steep, keep to 20km per hour and you'll have no issues.
Lock Box:
The key is inside a lockbox located on the fence behind the Tui Suite sign.
Pull down the outer cover (release buttons on the side or the top)
1.Pull down C button (at the bottom)
2.Enter 1970
3.Pull down top button If the lockbox does not open, push the C button (clear) and start again.
If the lockbox does not open, push the C button (clear) and start again.
To close the lockbox, enter steps 2 and 3 again.
Working rural property
If you are not used to rural living, we have some "rural rules" outlined in the Tui Suite Compendium.
We would appreciate you taking the time to read this on your arrival.
Key messages are:
- If you enter closed gates, please close them behind you.
- Water is limited by rain supply, please be mindful of this when using water and the spa.
- Rural effluent tanks work differently to town sewage systems, full instructions are outlined in the suite's compendium.
- Fires and smoking are strictly prohibited due to the surrounding native bush and high winds. The Wairarapa region is a high fire risk, even more so in summer.
Featherston Winds
Unless you're local, you may not have experienced winds quite like the Wairarapa winds. They can pick up unexpectedly during the day or night.
If the winds are up when you arrive, please ensure you hold your car door or boot while it is open, otherwise it could bend back.
Please follow other requests in the compendium to ensure the wind doesn't cause any damage to Tui Suite property.
The Spa
The spa is unavailable in high winds as there is a risk to your safety and to spa. We request the spa is not used if the winds are high.
If you are staying more than 1 night, we need to service the spa. We will come across to the suite when we notice your car is missing. However is someone is staying back, just let us know not to come over.
If you are not going out, please text us with a suitable time to service the spa. It will take 15 minutes, and you will not be able to use it for an hour afterwards.